Sometimes It’s Just Fine…

Anushka Agrawal
Apr 18, 2022


Still from the Bollywood movie ‘Queen’

To have fun ;

To get drunk;

To run and dance;

To yell your favourite song to everyone;

To let feelings out;

To not think what people think of you;

To let go of all the worries;

To not think about the future;

To cry, to laugh, to be expressive;

To tell people you miss them;

To tell people you love them;

To rant, to vent;

To share feelings, to share worries;

To not be sincere;

To not have plans;

To not listen to people;

To be your true fun-loving self ;

To sing and dance;

To live in the moment;

To not overthink;

To take a break;

It’s fine ;)



Anushka Agrawal

I like conveying thoughts through writing. I work as a business analyst at Capital One.